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Youth, Adolescence & Angst

Circumstance, Not Love!

After periods of time that sustain, a flat plateau like space is achieved in the journey between two human beings as they attempt to share their lives. It reaches a lull, a comfort level so all encompassing that there is nothing but the subconcious expectation that things will continue on their own. Love for many is often about words, and ideas and notions of the romantic, but as i age, i begin to realise that concepts are not substitutes for companionship and i would prefer something i can touch, make real and have as tangible. In the 24 hours in a day i think that one has to make space to have that relationship, and not ideate about how much one loves the other theoretically. Therefore, all the love in the world cannot overshadow the fact that cirsumstances that allow for the hours in a day, provide the canvas for that fantastic love to actually exist and if circumstances were to change, they would take away the space for love to exist, and it then is rendered a notion, a promise, a letter, a phone call, a voice on the phone and an email that you read again and again. These, fanstastically romantic ideas, do not infact have the same reliable familiarity as tangible intimacy. So my dear friends in love, when the circumstances change and then canvas is compromised, then be prepared to see that love, is largely incidental to the workings of a good relationshit.

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Kabir Singh