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Youth, Adolescence & Angst

Eye, Me, Myself.

It never ceases to amaze me how self absorbed so many people are these days. Maybe its the frenetic and consuming lives we choose to live in Mumbai, maybe its the people i know and the person i am becoming, because so many people, when you meet them socially, or in between days of drudgery, are only capable of monologuing about themselves, their work, their day, their problems, their issues, their catharsis or the lack thereof! No one actually listens to anyone else anymore, and its not because they don't want to, its because their lives leave them with no more bandwidth to actually be able to absorb someone else's saga in this city and identify with it sympathetically for more than five minutes before it triggers something from their own unendingly epic and catastrophic lives, thereby firing off another tirade about what happened to them in exactly the same way the other day! I see people talking at each other and not to each other anymore. Its this urgent need to communicate their lives, to validate the magnitude of the effort they make to get through the day, to reassure themselves that they truly are commendable heroes in their own battle against human existence. Its so lonely inside them as they scream, so lonely inside us all. I find myself becoming this monologuing person, and i hate that it is a manifest form of me today. I don't want to be this person, i don't want to be so selfish, i wish, that in some way there was time for more than just one's own needs, one's work and for the emotional well being of just one significant other before 24 hours in a day run out. It makes me incredibly sad sometimes.

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Kabir Singh